Measures for the return to judicial activity

Measures for the return to judicial activity

Royal Decree Law 16/2020, of April 28, on procedural and organizational measures to deal with COVID-19 in the field of the Administration of Justice contains, although without specifying deadlines, the measures that it considers essential for an adequate one. ..
The new measures on leasing premises

The new measures on leasing premises

The new Royal Decree-Law 15/2020, of April 21, on urgent measures, contains in its Chapter I (articles 1 to 5), a new series of measures in the face of the health crisis situation caused by COVID-19. The exceptional measures of Royal Decree 463/2020, ...
The return to the Courts when the alarm state ends

The return to the Courts when the alarm state ends

Several working groups, under the supervision of the Supreme Court and the General Council of the Judiciary, are working on a series of proposals so that the Ministry of Justice can prepare the Plan to streamline judicial activity, which is expected to be implemented ...

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