El art. 7 of the Royal Decree-law of March 17, approved by the Government, of extraordinary urgent measures to face the economic and social impact of the coronavirus, foresees the possibility of requesting the bank to postpone the payment of the mortgage loan for the habitual residence if economic vulnerability is proven.

For such request, among other documentation (See art. 11 RDL), it is necessary to present a property index note (art. 11.1.D) and the RDL).

To obtain this document, the College of Registrars of Spain has enabled a series of email addresses, corresponding to the Property Registry where your habitual residence is registered. You can access the Land Registry email list here.

The request must be accompanied by a photocopy of the DNI of the person on whom the information should be issued or, where appropriate, of all the members of the family unit.

Remember that stakeholders who are among the groups considered vulnerable (art.9 RDL) who want to benefit from the moratorium they can do so from this moment and up to 15 days after the Royal Decree ceases to have effect. Financial institutions will also have 15 days to apply the measure once it has been requested.

If you have any questions, contact us and we will advise you.

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